Dog Bite Lawyer

Contact Our Office for a FREE Consultation: Call (888) 905-4453

Dog Bite Attorney

Animal attacks, especially dog bites, are a frequent occurrence throughout Florida and across the country. When it comes to attacks that involve domesticated animals or animals owned by another, injured victims have the right to pursue legal action against the owner. As these attacks can cause significant physical, emotional and financial damages, our firm works tirelessly to recover full and fair compensation on your behalf.

Our dog bite lawyers attorneys take your injury personally. Contact our office at (888) 905-4453 for a FREE consultation now.

Florida Dog Bite Laws

According to the Florida Statutes §767.04, Florida law makes it clear that the owner of any dog that bites another person while they are on public property, or lawfully on private property, is liable for the damages a victim suffered. Although the law mandates strict liability, this does not mean that injured victims will be automatically awarded fair compensation. In fact, many pet and dog owners, as well as their insurance providers, will work to deflect claims of liability and do whatever they can to pay victims as little as possible.

By having an experienced and dedicated dog bite attorney on your side of the courtroom, you can ensure that the efforts or impersonal insurance corporations are negated and that you have the best possible chance for obtaining the compensation you require.

Dog Bite Personal Injury

If you or a family member has been injured by a dog bite or by an animal attack, allow our firm to protect your right to fair compensation. After evaluating your injury case and conducting investigations, our legal team can work diligently toward recovering compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income or wages and any additional damages you may have suffered. Personally devoted to your needs and capable of delivering positive results, our firm is here to help.

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